Showing Tag: " ct" (Show all posts)

Test Scores Affect Admissions

Posted by Daryl Capuano on Thursday, November 12, 2009,

How Much Do Test Scores Affect Admissions?

Yesterday was easier than today is for students.

The level of competition for spots at top colleges has increased so significantly that the prototypical all-around star student only has a reasonable chance to get into a reasonably good school.

One of our clients from a few years back from Guilford, Connecticut, had to face the reality of this challenge.

He held a high-level student council position, was a top athlete, and in the top 10% of h...

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Free Advice for Shoreline, CT Parents

Posted by Daryl Capuano on Friday, June 19, 2009,

The Importance of Grades and the New Economy

To paraphrase Thomas Friedman, author of The World Is Flat who paraphrased Bill Gates:

Twenty years ago, from a purely career-financial perspective, if you had the choice of being a “B” student from Brooklyn or an “A” student from Bombay, you would choose the former because America’s economic domination was so thorough that opportunities were abundant for even our average students.

Today, however, many would choose to be the “A” stu...

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 The Learning Consultants
(860) 510-0410